RE: Layla Uddin (A Child)
[2005] EWCA Civ 52
Case documented in Family Law Week.
Protection of a little girl named Layla Uddin. Instructed by Birmingham City Council for surveillance and investigation.
Expert Investigations Ltd were instructed to conduct a period of surveillance on the home of Laya Uddin whose Mother was suffering from Munchausen by Proxy.
The brief circumstance of the case were that Laya had been admitted to hospital several times and there was a belief that the behaviour and adverse actions of the Mother of Layla was responsible for the admissions to hospital.
Birmingham City Social Services had obtained a court order for Laya to reside and be cared for by her Grandmother. Mother was allowed supervised access, in the presence of Grandmother on several occasions a week at the address. Mother had stated she was separated from her Husband, Layla’s father and they had no contact.
There was a genuine belief that Layla could come to serious harm / death by her Mother if left unsupervised.
Expert Investigations were instructed to monitor the movement and activities at the residential address of Layla to ensure no orders were breached and Mother and Grandmother were acting in accordance with the order.
The surveillance team conducted the operation and over a period of 19 days it was established that Layla was being left at the address alone with her Mother, with no supervision. Layla was being taken away by her Mother and another male, later identified as Mothers Husband (and he was Layla’s father). Surveillance identified that Mother and Father had set up in a house together nearby and Laya was staying at the address for prolonged periods, including overnight and all unsupervised.
All in breach of the order. All evidence and movements outside the residential address were covertly video recorded.
With the primary video evidence that Expert Investigations had gathered Birmingham City Social Services were able to take Layla in their care and re-house her with Foster parents.
“The service provided was to a high standard, including written logs, DVD recordings, including copies and a master copy, follow-up clarification of issues was excellent, and the speed of the enquiries was very good.”
M.F.N. Ahmad, MBA, LLM, Barrister, Chief Legal Officer
“What impresses me most about Expert Investigations is the quality of their work coupled with their consistently outstanding service standards. They set a high benchmark for the industry.”
Ben Lowans, Partner, Addleshaw Goddard
For more information on covert surveillance, childcare issues, a team presentation on investigative services for the Family Law Sector or general support for all Family and Childcare matters contact Expert Investigations directly on:For more information on covert surveillance, childcare issues, a team presentation on investigative services for the Family Law Sector or general support for all Family and Childcare matters contact Expert Investigations directly on:
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