Criminal or civil prosecutions: these are the options open to those who have detected an employee theft or fraud within their organisation.
It is often the case that small thefts and frauds committed are dealt with internally, with the employee being dismissed from the organisation. But what about cases where the amount is more significant? Many organisations believe that any investigation will be dealt with by the police, leading to a prosecution.
Unfortunately, this is not the case.
The police will be very reluctant to conduct any sort of investigation, especially when you have not clearly identified the offender. Even when you have, a prosecution is not guaranteed. Workplace theft and fraud is increasing on a massive scale and the police simply do not have the resources to combat them.
This leaves organisations looking for viable alternatives, such as civil criminal prosecution and mercantile courts. There are solicitors’ practices that are willing to self-fund clients’ investigations where they see the evidence is strong and there is a chance for recovery of funds. An internal investigation also gives the organisation a greater degree of control.
Whatever route you choose, there is a requirement to act swiftly and lawfully gather and preserve all evidence where possible.
Expert Investigations Group is the UK’s leading commercial investigation agency, with almost two decades worth of experience in workplace investigations, and the investigative methods used to gather accurate primary evidence both lawfully and ethically. With a substantial team of former specialised police detectives, a team of military special forces officers and professionals trained in risk management.
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