Sometimes, as with this most recent case study, workplace culture changes are necessary. Our client purchased another business and it was clear that the 2 cultures were totally different.
Where Did The Problems Start?
The newly acquired business was suspected of having a culture of theft, skiving from work, bullying, harassment and racism. The middle management were ineffective and the new owners needed a basis of accurate intelligence. This would be from which they devised their strategy for change.
Discussion with the client allowed us to formulate a perfect cover story. We were able to insert our officer into the perfect role. Giving him access to most areas and sections of the business. He was dealing with both white and blue collar colleagues.
He entered the business via the usual recruitment route and remained in role for 5 months. During this time, he gathered intelligence and evidence of employees stealing product and stealing time as they were ‘skiving’ (falsely absent from work). He identified a culture of bullying and harassment which was predominantly racist based.
We extracted our officer from the business and no persons ever knew he was there. But the information he gathered meant the relevant employees were dismissed for their bad practices.
The Benefits of Undercover Staff
Deployment of an undercover employee can yield outstanding results. We deploy our officers to identify theft and fraud, corrupt practises, bullying, harassment and subversive individuals. We give an insight into the culture of an organisation giving real time intelligence and evidence.
Using a suitable cover story that we agree with the client we deploy into the workplace for the short or long term. At the end of the exercise we leave and nobody knows we have been within the organisation.
Undercover staff are a lawful resource that produce cost effective results.